Sunday, December 9, 2012

Instructional Website

For my instructional website, I created several pages on how to create digital scrapbooking pages. This has been a hobby of mine for years and I think it's a great way for people to preserve their memories. Here is a screen capture of the homepage for my site:
While creating this website, I encountered several obstacles and experienced many successes. Using a Dreamweaver template was very helpful in creating the basic layout of my website. It helped me a lot when figuring out how to create the website menu and adding text to the footer. The CSS style sheet that came with the template was also very helpful when I wanted to change something because of all the notes in the stylesheet. The main obstacle I experienced concerned CSS. Although we have worked with CSS a lot this semester, I still don't feel really comfortable with it and there is still so much I don't know. I had a lot of trouble positioning my images because I didn't want them to float left or right and I couldn't remember if I'd learned how to center position images. In the end, I googled my question and found an answer.

Dreamweaver features that I would like to use in the future would be learning how to create forms for websites and using Spry widgets. I'd also like to get more comfortable with CSS. Overall, I enjoyed making the website and hope that I can grow my skills in the future.